Utilizing the web as a platform- Software can be provided as a continually updated service, & business can focus on the long tails of customer demand. Our business will utilize the existing internet infrastructure.By making a widget, or small interactive tool or application we can make it able for our customers and employees to become aware of deals and new meds.
Harnessing Collective Intelligence- not only provide content, they also allow users to contribute, thus improving content. In our company we can use wikis to allow our consumers to discuss the types of medicines that are best to use. This will allow us to be able distribute the medicine the people need and are asking for.
Leveraging Data- information in innovative ways to optimize business processes. We can tag or add info about our company to a map, photo or a web page. This will make our company more known to the public.
Implementing Innovative Web capabilities- technology is key to a competitive advantage. In our business we will use collaboration to help make our business known.Using everyday people as a cheap labor force or Crowdsourcing can be used by our business by posting scientific problems and having individuals try to come up with solutions or medicine that they found work to cure the sickness.