Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Blog Entry 4.4

Blog Entry 5.3

Our business uses Intranet in ways of business to employee's. We like to keep track of our employe's pay roll and when they work. We use the internet in ways to keep track of all that and the intranet diagram shows how when a employe goes in to communicate with us it first has to get through the firewall which basicly is checking if they are a employe. Then the client can check there schedule and anything else they need.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Blog Entry 5.2

In this diagram it is showing how and business to business system works. My company which is a pharmacy is using the doctors orders for their pacients. The doctors sends us there orders then we make them here at our business. When the doctors send us there orders they come to our network but before it comes to our into our network. It is stopped by our firewall or our router to make sure that it ok for it to enter our network and that it is nothing bad. Then when the information gets to us we make the orders then the pcients come and get there orders.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Blog Entry 4.1

In this image the computer or what we like to call the CPU use's a whole different language than us humans. Instead of talking with words the computer use's machine language which is basicly number's or one's and zero's. We like to call these numbers bits. One character letter is is 8 bytes. Control Unit which is the CPU sends messages or word frases when it sends. It becomes output technology which then people can read.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Blog Entry 5.1


Rule 1: The Web site should offer something unique?
  • I give this wed site a 4 because the color scheme is very unique.
Rule 2 : The Web site must be asthetically pleasing?
  • The CVS wedsite is not very crowed or cluttered. The wedsite is easy to navigate to fine products through out the store. If costumers were to use this wedsite I believe would be very pleased in how this wedsite opoorrates. I give it a 5.
Rule 3: The Web site must be easy to use and fast.
  • I like this web because it is not very cluttered and it esy to find whatever it is you are looking for on this Wrb site. I give it 4.
Rule 4: The Web site must motivate people to visit, to stay, and to return.
  • Again the color scheme of the web really gets my attention. It makes the web site very attractive and would make me want to come back. I give it a 3.
Rule 5: You must adertivse  your presence on the web.
  • The CVS wedsite is adertised on over 2,000 different websites. It also you can find links for there website on Google and Yahoo. I give it a 5.
Rule 6: You should learn from your Web site.
  • I do learn somethings from this website. With its easy navigating for different products throughout the store I get to learn alot about all kinds off different products. I give it 4 also.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Blog Entry 4.3

In this image it is showing how a shared network system works. You first have to start out with a client who has information that needs to be sent through a server to the router. When it goes to the router it is then broke up into numbers. When it's broke up into numbers which also is IP address, the router then puts those numbers into packets to send to the other router. This is called the concurrent data transmission. When the packets of data are sent to the the other router they may not all come in the exact order they were sent. The router then has to go trough a process called Packet-Switching Technology, which puts the packets in the right order.